Sunday, October 16, 2011

Rust In Peace - Megadeth

Oddly enough, it took me a while to really get into this album. I always thought that I liked Peace Sells better but I’ve come to understand that this is the superior album. This is definitely Megadeth’s best album. This is probably prog-thrash at its best. Never before (and never since) had there been an album of such sheer complexity. Now I know that some people will point to …And Justice for All as a prime example of prog-thrash complexity but it’s the complexity in that album that ultimately weighs it down. Metallica seemed to be overreaching whereas this album knows exactly what it wants to do and executes it perfectly.
Everything on this album just sounds tight and clean. All of the songs flow together perfectly. Now every so often an album will contain two consecutive songs that just sound perfect and inseparable. Sort of like the songs are related. Led Zeppelin were masters at this ("Black Dog" and "Rock and Roll" from Led Zeppelin IV, "Heartbreaker" and "Livin’ Lovin’ Maid" from Led Zeppelin II). On this album it’s definitely "Holy Wars" and "Hangar 18". It’s impossible for me to listen to one and not the other. First you have the awesome epic that’s one part pure thrash metal awesomness and one part extremely heavy dirge. Then it’s followed up by one of the best guitar songs of all time. "Hangar 18" is in the same category as "Wake Up Dead" in that it could be an instrumental (and is for the most part) but works great with the lyrics. Follow those two up with "Take No Prisoners" and you have the best three songs on the album. Then there’s "Five Magics" and "Tornado of Souls" to make this one kick ass album. If you even remotely consider yourself a metalhead this album is a must buy.

Holy Wars

Hangar 18 (Music Video Cut)

Take No Prisoners

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